Layer 7 gateway

Layer7/CA API Management Integration

Layer7 API Management is also known formally as CA API Management, is an API Management solution. It allows you to create, secure, deliver, and also manage the complete lifecycle of the APIs and microservices. Layer 7 gateway includes tools for the API creation, API management, gateway security, and its analytics.

If you connect the Layer7 API Management, you can import any API or microservices endpoints from your Layer7 API Gateway in a few seconds. In addition, you can start monitoring your systems, collect the API data, and transform these into some actionable insights.

Layer 7 gateway Requirements
  • You need a BlazeMeter API Monitoring Account
  • Version 9.2 for Layer7 API Gateway, or higher
  • A toolkit for API Test


  • A layer 7 gateway has a transform legacy, which connects the systems and applies permanent security and governance to the APIs.
  • Layer7 API Gateways are scalable, extensible, and high-performance gateway to connect the most important data and applications across any cloud combination, on-premises environments, or container.
  • Layer7 API Gateways are available and ready to use as a standalone solution or as part of Layer7 Management of the API.

It can easily scale and deploy for a high availability, which ensures your critical APIs are always running fine.

Handling and Managing

Layer 7API provides a single and a real-time view of all the gateways across the enterprises. It can handle the migrations across dev, tests, and the production with management tools globally.

Extensible integration

It enables a significant usage and scalability. In addition, the layer 7 gateway transports identity via a plug-in framework.

Layer 7 security

With the Layer 7 securityyou can secure your corporate assets with the central access control. It integrates with the most IAM systems and also supports the OAuth/OpenID Connect, FIDO, PCI-DSS, FHIR, and PSD2.

Layer 7 gateway architecture

It allows you to connect the disparate data and applications across a multitude of environments. Layer 7 gateways can connect from legacy to cloud to mobile, which allows you to unlock the value of the legacy systems and use enterprise data with the latest endpoints.

Layer 7 protocols

The layer 7 protocols work at the user end, which allows you to interact with the user applications. QoS (Quality of service), email, and file transfer are the major popular services of the layer 7 gateway. This layer uses the following protocols:

  • HTTP
  • SMTP
  • DHCP
  • FTP
  • Telnet
  • SNMP
  • SMPP
layer 7 XML gateway

 A layer 7 gateway technology has now announced its XML Firewall and the XML Networking Gateway software products support. Layer 7 gateways are the only XML security and networking provider, who offers server software for Solaris 10 OS running on SPARC and x86 platforms through an upgradeable family of XML appliances for SOA and Web 2.0 applications. For the customers with processor-intensive SOA and Web 2.0 applications, Layer 7 has introduced support for Solaris 10 OS on SPARC to add the scalability, availability and performance offerings.

 Layer 7 SOA gateway

Layer 7 has created a product with a wide array of security options. Layer 7 gateway adheres to SOA security standards. The SecureSpan Gateway is a proxy solution, which is deployed in its own Tomcat container. You can install this on a machine running Linux, Microsoft Windows 10, Server 2003 or Sun Solaris. Layer 7 gateway also offers the SecureSpan Gateway software on a 1U appliance–an IBM eSeries 326m. This device, the Xspeed Appliance Edition, includes Tarari’s RAX-J, which optimizes XML parsing, also the most time taking a portion of the XML processing.